Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Grey Hulk's Response To A Female Doctor Who...?

Grey Hulk has been poisoned!! He can't find a cure!! He smashes into a convention center in Phoenix, where Reed Richards is giving a speech, hoping that the genius can help him!

Also there--Ben Grimm, just a normal human at this point in time, and Sharon Ventura, a.k.a. Ms Marvel and/or She-Thing, who has been transformed into...well, a Thing. It was a very weird time in FF history...

Ah, but Banner was unaware of these changes, so he thinks...well:

Oh, Grey Hulk...

Ms. Marvel dissuades Hulk of his sexist notions...

Oh, Peter David...

Oh, there are more digs:

Hey, when you're right, you're right--that was a really stupid costume.

And when powerless Ben Grimm leaps into the fray:

Ouch. Get personal, why don't you?

From Incredible Hulk #365 (1990)

1 comment:

George Chambers said...

I really like that last panel. Not only is it a funny line, but there's the hint of a respect or even liking for Hulk's old sparring partner.