Monday, August 25, 2014

Manic Monday Bonus--Someone Have Nate Silver Analyze This Poll...

In the letters page of Avengers #396 (1996), they printed the results of a poll of everyone's favorite Avengers:

Please note:

A) Hank Pym probably gets a somewhat unfair boost because of his multiple identities. Because, really, Hank Pym as the second favorite Avenger? I don't think I want to live in that world...

B) Clearly, the Vision IS radder than you think!!

C) How in the hell can you not have the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Beast on this list?!? How?!?! What is the matter with you, America? Oh, my stars and garters!

D) Given that the Hulk hadn't been an active Avenger for 23 years, #16-20 should be pretty embarrassed by their performance.

E) Wonder Man doesn't even make the top 20? Ouch, babe.

F) Quicksilver at #7? Really? I mean, there are Quicksilver fans out there? Who like him better than any other Avenger? What a strange world this is...

G) I see The Forgotten One lived up to his name...

H) I would have expected Janet to finish higher...

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